I’d like to take part in the competition with a 2 member team in the category of Visual and applied arts. My question is weather we both have to be below 35 years old?

Participants need to be over 18 and below 36. This applies to all team members and individual contestants.

I’d like to know weather it’s possible to enter the competition if I’m a Hungarian student learning in a foreign university?

According to the terms and conditions of the competition anyone who is studying  arts (visual or applied arts such as designer, fine art, applied art, new media, video or photo) or architecture at any Hungarian or foreign university or higher educational institution of any kind or anyone who is in a scholarship program, internship or has already attained their degree in such an institution can enter the competition.

Can winners from previous years apply again?

The organizers allow former winners to enter the competition again with the condition that they cannot enter with the formerly awarded project once again.

In what language should I hand in my CV?

CVs are accepted in both English and Hungarian.

Should the entry project include my name and address/availability or is this an anonymous competition? 

This is not an anonymous competition, the entry project can include the name of the artist.  Although it is not compulsory to add address/availability it is recommended to do so in the shortest possible form.

Is it allowed to include logos and/or sponsors in the video?

There is no restriction about including sponsors or logos in the competition entries. These can be placed freely at the end of the videos.

Can I ask for the help of a professional photographer or cameraman in my entry project or does it need to be entirely self made?

Competitors can only apply with their own intellectual products and projects. It is possible though to ask the help of a third party as long as the author/creator of the project is the competitor.

I’d like to enter the competition with a team but one member – though already 18 – still goes to secondary school. Is this a problem? 

According to the terms and conditions of the competition anyone who is learning  arts (visual or applied arts such as designer, fine art, applied art, new media, video or photo) or architecture at any Hungarian or foreign university or higher educational institution of any kind or anyone who is in a scholarship program, internship or has already attained their degree in such an institution can enter the competition. Unfortunately secondary school students cannot enter the competition.