We can safely state that this summer is not going to be like any other. Having said that, the BORD Architectural studio wanted to make one thing very clear to the children of Debrecen – the soon to be open Aquaticum is, and is going to be theirs.

BORD Architectural Studio calls on local children for submissions for its drawing contest entitled ’The Beach is Ours!’. The studio is looking forward to receiving pictures depicting the best beach activities (e.g.: braving the waves, playing with floaties, watersliding etc.).

Winners will be selected by the studio’s colleagues and the lucky ones will be featured in a very special way in the new Aquaticum. In addition, winners will be gifted a free family entry ticket so they can see their pictures live on exhibition. The tickets will be valid for the 2020 season.

Deadline: 2nd June
Results: 15th June, announced on BORD Architecture Studio’s Facebook page.

1) Ages 0-6
2) Ages 6-12

Rules of entry:

  • An applicant can submit more than one drawings
  • The drawings must be created on a white sheet of paper, size A/4 or A/3
  • The artists should sign their pictures (add first name and age, parents can help their children in category 0-6)
  • Make sure to take a high resolution image or scan of the drawing (300 dpi)
  • The digitalized drawings should be sent to mienkastrand@bordstudio.hu. Don’t forget to add your category, name and address to the submission.

Good luck!