This is the sixth consecutive year that the DECODE Prizes have been presented. Our Studio established the prize in 2018 with the aim of raising attention to creative work that is built around ideas and value creation. Since then every year we have announced a call for entries to invite young architects and artists in our competition, creating a platform to exchange ideas between the different disciplines and also for mutual inspiration. Since 2019 the event has been organized by DECODE Contemporary Architectural and Art Foundation, yet BORD Architectural Studio remains the main sponsor of the project.

Young creators between the age of 18 and 35 could participate in the DECODE competition again this year. Applicants were requested to introduce their creative thoughts through their own projects and present them in a maximum three minute long media file.  This year a total of 47 submissions arrived for the competition, 20 in the Category of Architecture and 27 in the Category of Visual and Applied Arts, out of which a professional jury selected 17 works for inclusion in the exhibition. Then among the shortlisted projects, the judging committee awarded one Main Prize per category and two Promising Project Prize per category as well as one Spotlight Sponsor Prize. The total prize pool for the competition in the two categories was a combined net amount of 2,100,000 HUF.

The exhibition organized from the submitted artifacts could be visited from April 19 to 25 at the aqb Project Space contemporary art centre. In the wooden pillar frames and rustic atmosphere of the former Haggenmacher Brewery, the exhibited projects were displayed on huge LED walls, accompanied by artworks related to the short films.

After the exhibition, the awarded and shortlisted works were added to the digital film archive of the DECODE Youtube Channel, making them accessible to everyone and providing inspiration for future creators.

We are honoured that this year’s event was supported by the Ambassy of the Netherlands. As a result, the winners of the architectural prize can attend a five day study trip in Holland where they can also visit the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam. We also are grateful to Be Light!, which has been our sponsor for many years. This year they presented each member of the winner team of the Spotlight Sponsor Prize with a design light fixture. This prize is aimed at the creative projects that serve and promote society.   We would also like to thank our sponsors: Alukönigstahl Kft., Sauska & Társa Kft., Szinorg Universal Zrt., and the media partner of the event: Octogon Architecture & Design magazine.